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Atmel STK600 (ATSTK600)编程器
Atmel STK600 (ATSTK600)编程器图片
Atmel STK600 (ATSTK600)编程器图片0Atmel STK600 (ATSTK600)编程器图片1Atmel STK600 (ATSTK600)编程器图片2
产 品: Atmel STK600 (ATSTK600)编程器 
型 号: Atmel STK600 (ATSTK600) 
规 格: Atmel STK600 (ATSTK600) 
单 价: 面议 
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
更新日期: 2013-04-23  有效期至:长期有效

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Atmel STK600 (ATSTK600)编程器详细说明

Atmel STK600 (ATSTK600)

select your routing card and socket card by using the Store Search and select device

The STK600 is a complete starter kit and development system for the AVR flash microcontrollers from ATMEL® Corporation. It is designed to give designers a quick start to develop code on the AVR, combined with advanced features for using the starter kit to prototype and test new designs.

§         AVR Studio 4/AVR32 Studio compatible

§         USB Interface to PC for programming and control

§         Powered from USB bus or from an external 10-15V DC power supply

§         Adjustable target VCC (0-5.5V)

§         Two adjustable reference voltages with high accuracy. (0-5.0V, 10mV res)

§         Clock oscillator, adjustable on the fly from AVRStudio (0-50MHz, 0.1% res)

§         Serial In-System Programming (ISP) of tinyAVR and megaAVR devices

§         PDI Programming of XMEGA devices

§         JTAG programming of 8-bit megaAVR, 8/16-bit AVR XMEGA and 32-bit AVR UC3 devices

§         aWire Programming of 32-bit AVR UC3 devices

§         ISP and JTAG programming of AVR devices in external target systems

§         Flexible routing and socket card system for easy mounting of all supported devices

§         8 push-buttons for general use

§         8 LEDs for general use

§         All AVR I/O ports easily accessible through pin header connectors

§         Expansion connectors for plug-in modules and prototyping area

§         On-board 2Mbit Dataflash for non-volatile data

§         USB mini-AB (On-The-Go) connector for AVR devices with USB

§         PHY and DSUB-9 connetor for RS232 interface

§         PHY and DSUB-9 connector for CAN bus

§         PHY and header for LIN bus

§         Device board with an ATmega2560 AVR microcontroller is included.

The STK600 supports the whole range of AVR microcontrollers, from the smallest 6-pin 8-bit tinyAVR up to the large 144-pin 32-bit AVR UC3 devices.
The AVR device is connected to the STK600 using an innovative routing and socketcard sandwich system, which routes the signals from the device to the appropriate hardware. 

The system consists of a generic socketcard, on which the AVR device is inserted, and a device specific signal routing card, which routes the signals from the socket pins to the different functions on the STK600 main board dependant on the device.

The system simplifies the hardware setup when switching from one AVR device to another, since all connections from the device to the motherboard is determined by the routingcard, which is a custom board for each device. The routing system is purely passive, i.e. no electronic components are used to route the signals, and hence all I/O pins are directly accessible on the connectors with no altering of the electrical behavior.

With access to all device pins, and several useful hardware functions that can be connected, such as pushbuttons, LEDs, dataflash, etc, the kit provides a complete system to prototype and test new designs.

With the free AVR Studio the user can write and compile firmware in either assembly or C language, and download the code to the target AVR device.

The board also has adjustable voltage supply and adjustable clock to the target AVR device. The VCC level and clock frequency can be adjusted on the fly from AVR Studio, and gives the designer the ability to test the performance at different voltage levels and clock frequencies with just the click of a button.






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